Currently, You are Your physical body and You have Your mental, emotional and bodily state inside Your body. For 99.999.. % of humanity, this mental emotional and bodily state is materialistic/mayik in nature. This materialistic nature is very powerful and it is difficult for humans to break the bondage of materialistic nature. Humans are like slave to this materialistic nature, being slave to their fundamental materialistic nature humans spend their whole life trying to fulfill their materialistic tendencies but no matter what humans attain they never get fulfilled or their materialistic nature never gets fulfilled. This is the trap of maya/materialistic nature. I am listing down some major aspects of the Life of these 99.999..% humans –
1> Their life is centered around slavery to theirs and collective materialistic nature.
2> These humans will waste their life in just trying to fulfill their materialistic tendencies but ultimately their materialistic tendencies will never get fulfilled. They will just live a life of delusional worldly expectations.
3> Even if they attain all possible components and experiences in the world still they will feel the strong lack within.
4> They won’t even enjoy the worldly aspects in true sense because the bondage of materialistic nature is a dream-like state, everything You do or experience in this dream like state is just on the superficial level while on the deeper level they will always feel discontentment or materialistic obsession.
5> They will live a meaningless life that is unaware and unaligned to the fulfillment of its true purpose of life rather they will be standing against the fulfillment of their own purpose of life because rather than trying to Master their materialistic tendencies, they will be pampering their materialistic tendencies.
6> And more…
The Life of a general human is Fine, It has its good and bad aspects.
To move from a being a General human to being a True Master is like moving towards a better version of life or the “Best” version of life.Now, I will list down some major consequences of moving towards becoming a True Master –
1> You will live a meaningful life that is aware and aligned to the fulfillment of its True purpose of Life. You will refrain from pampering or engaging in a materialistic tendency until and unless You Master that materialistic tendency.
2> You will live a life that is truly fulfilled within. Even if You have the leastest of worldly components, experiences and other worldly aspects still You are peaceful/content within.
3> You will become truly wealthy in all round dimensions of Your life and You will attract more and more of worldly wealth as well.
4> You live in a state of constant contentment/blissfulness and then You choose to acquire and experience various worldly components, experiences and other worldly aspects. You will experience an enhanced enjoyment in the worldly aspects while the painful aspects of the world cannot touch You anymore.
5> You will get aligned to the knowledge of Supreme and ultimately You will gain the support and guidance of God.
6> And more…
“Attainment of Consciousness” is the inner purpose of human life. “Attainment of Consciousness” can also be termed as “Attainment of Nothingness” or “Attainment of Salvation” or “Attainment of Enlightenment” or “Attainment of Supreme”.
Attainment of Consciousness is the inner purpose of human life. To live the humanly life is the outer requirement of human life. Overall, To become a True Master is the complete purpose and requirement of human life. If You want to fulfill Your True Purpose and also live a truly wealthy and fulfilling life then You need to become a True Master.
A True Master is one who on one hand is fundamentally free of the world while on the other hand engages with the world to fulfill his/her basic life requirements, acquire various worldly components and enjoy various worldly aspects. A True Master is truly wealthy in all-round dimensions of his/her life.
There is nothing more wise than aligning oneself towards becoming a True Master and when You become a True Master then there is nothing else that is left to attain.
The below 18 sec video will give You a glimpse of a True Master
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