About this website –

The above picture represents the Inner Divine Face of “True Master – Aniket Prakash“. “True Master – Aniket Prakash” has attained CONSCIOUSNESS and using this website as a medium, He provides Complete Knowledge that each and every Human needs to fulfill their Purpose of Life and to Live the Best possible Life on earth.
This website is an Education plus Entertainment portal. This website will help Humans to Understand Life and enable them to become a “TRUE MASTER“.  Also, this website will Entertain Humans via My Life Show, Music, Media, and more…
Attainment of CONSCIOUSNESS is the Inner/divine purpose of Human Life. To live Human LIFE is the Outer  Requirement of Human Life. Overall, to become TRUE MASTER is the Complete PURPOSE and REQUIREMENT of Human Life.
Through this website, You begin to Grow/Develop in ALL ROUND DIMENSIONS of Your Life DAY BY DAY  and Ultimately You become INDEPENDENT and YOU Yourself Become a TRUE MASTER.
 This website can be best described as “Complete Life School” for All Humans.


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