This website is a Complete Life school for each and every Human.
Model of Earth
Currently, You exist at some place in Human World (World).
Live Your Life as You are Living and Start using the Free services of this website.
Note: The Free servicesof this website will gradually provide Complete knowledge that each and every Human needs to fulfill their purpose of life and to live the best possible life on earth. Also, the Free Services of this website will Entertain Humans via My Life Show, Music, Media, and more…
Most importantly, The Free Services of this website will help Humans to become a True Master.
The Free Services of this website is divided into 7 sections as shown below –
The 7 Sections are explained below –
1) LIFE – Under “LIFE” there are two sub-sections –
1. MY LIFE –
This Section reveals the “LIFE”of “True Master – Aniket Prakash”.
“True Master – Aniket Prakash” has attainedCONSCIOUSNESSand has aligned himself towards aPost Conscious Lifestyle.
“LIFE” of “True Master – Aniket Prakash” provides
Real Entertainment
True Life Education
Understanding ofPost Conscious Lifestyle
and more…
Based on Personal ability and responsibility, An individual can use the “Life of True Master (Aniket Prakash)” > For Life Education > For self-development> lifestyle transformation, etc…
“True Master – Aniket Prakash”makes audio and video songs ranging from devotional to entertainment to meaningful songs. “MY MUSIC”page contains these songs. These songs can be used as a tool for devotion, entertainment, personal transformation, and more…
2) WORLD – This Section contains Posts that holds the understanding of the physical world around us.
3) WEALTH – This Section contains Posts that holds the practical knowledge to live the best possible life on Earth.
4) MEDIA – This Section highlights the various aspects of the current world. This page contains posts related to the “Current affairs”, “Self Help”, “Politics”, “Religion”, “Business”, “Technology”, “Entertainment” and almost anything and everything of this world.
5) CONNECT– Under CONNECT there are two services –
MEMBERS COMMUNITYis a COMMUNITY of MEMBERS and also Connects“MEMBERS” to “True Master – Aniket Prakash”. All Humans can use thisMEMBERS COMMUNITYsection for below purposes –
Memberscan write their messages, suggestions, queries, feedback, etc
Memberscan share anything relevant that they like to Share
Memberscan discuss on “Topis” listed in the “Forum”
Memberscan interact with True Masterandother Members
Memberscan make “Friend Connections” with True Master and other Members
Memberscan send “Private Messages” to True Master andOther Members
and more…
“True Master – Aniket Prakash” keeps viewing the Activities of Memberson the “MEMBERS COMMUNITY”page and Interacts with theMembersand also Guide them to a possible extent.
This TRUE_MEMBERS GROUP is only for the True_Members registered under “True Membership“.True Membership is a paid membership service and will be discussed later in this page.
6) GUIDE – This Section contains Posts that will guide Humans to become“True Master”and also deals with Queries and Concerns of this website Users.
7) NOWLEDGE – The Knowledge of NOW is NOWLEDGE. This section contains Posts that holds the knowledge of Consciousness(Soul) to Supreme Consciousness (Supreme Soul). This section will help Humans to fulfill theirPurpose of Life.
In the below picture, The 7 Sections have been represented as 7 Content Circles –
As the Usergets aware of theKnowledge of Content Circlesandafter efficient Connect(Guidance from Master), Users will get internally aligned towards the fulfillment of theirpurpose of Lifeandto live the best possible Life on Earth. Users will gradually move towardsbeing True Master and Ultimately they get INDEPENDENT and themselves become a True MASTER as shown below.
Apart from the above mentioned Free Services, This website also offers Paid Services as mentioned below –
TRUE MEMBERSHIP – True Membership is a Superfast service that is designed to transform“True Member”into“True Master”.
THE MASTER SERVICE –The Master Service is a 5 days, one to one video call service where I ( True Master – Aniket Prakash) spiritually heal, bless and transform humans via video call. This service will help Humans to become a “True Master” and much more…
To know All about“The Master Service”- click here >
An added section of this website is “COURSES“. This “COURSES” section consists of “Free and Paid” Courses that are offered by “True Master – Aniket Prakash”.